Seven Years, Five Continents, Global Impact, One Journey: Unveiling 24 Pearls of My Executive Odyssey

Gaurav Agarwaal
22 min readOct 28, 2023


As I stand on the threshold of a new chapter, my seven-year journey at Avanade is coming to an end. It’s a moment to reflect on the wisdom gained from successes and challenges that have shaped me as a leader.

In October 2016, I embarked on a transformative shift, leaving behind a 13-year tenure at Microsoft to join the dynamic world of Avanade. This transition marked a profound change from Technology Thought Leadership, Strategic partnerships, and Product & Platform selling to a focus on Services business, Systems integration domain, solutions engineering, practice development with pseudo P&L responsibilities, GTM strategy and managing the full solution lifecycle with engaging client interaction (+ and the amazing Accenture counterparts on almost every opportunity).

This journey was not just about a change in career; it was a global odyssey that took me to diverse places, from China and Australia to Brazil, South Africa and Japan. It was a journey that broadened my horizons, exposed me to a multitude of cultures, and enriched my understanding of the global business landscape.

During this remarkable journey, I navigated various roles in Cloud Transformation (across IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS), Application Development & Outsourcing, honing my skills and insights in this vital domain. Amidst the ever-evolving landscape of technology, I embraced the realm of Cybersecurity practice and solution portfolio engineering, recognizing its paramount importance in today’s digital age. This journey also entailed a significant relocation, as I made the leap from Singapore to Seattle in February 2020. It was a move that brought me to the heart of technology innovation (a breather from 3 trips a month to Redmon in my Microsoft days) and leadership, reinforcing my commitment to driving positive change in the tech industry.

Throughout this incredible journey, there were challenging times, relocations, and moments when I worked tirelessly, even during the tumultuous times of the Covid-19 pandemic, working 2 full time shifts for 8 months to protect 1200+ dreams. In those moments, I was fortunate to have unwavering support from my pillar of strength, my wife, Nidhi, and my daughter, Aakriti. Their support, resilience, and understanding were invaluable, and I am deeply grateful for their unwavering presence in my life.

Now, as I step into the horizon of new possibilities, it’s my privilege to share the insights and principles that have illuminated my path, illuminating the way for future leaders on their own remarkable journeys.

1. Customer-Centric Purpose driven Innovation

Focus on innovation centered around customer needs and expectations. By understanding the unique needs, expectations, and pain points of your customers, you can design solutions that truly resonate with them. It’s not about chasing the latest trends blindly; it’s about crafting innovations that address real-world problems and make a meaningful difference in the lives of your clients.

Remember, in a world where customer choices abound, those who prioritize customer-centric innovation are the ones who stand out, build lasting relationships, and thrive in an ever-evolving market. It’s about more than just meeting needs; it’s about predicting desires and crafting experiences that feel tailor-made.

Purpose-driven innovation empowers you to make strategic choices that are rooted in a deep understanding of your market and your clients. It’s a commitment to creating products, services, and experiences that truly matter. When innovation is purposeful, it becomes a driving force behind your organization’s growth, setting you apart as a leader who doesn’t just follow trends but actively shapes the future of your industry. It’s about not just creating new ideas but ensuring they bring tangible value to your clients and stakeholders. As leaders, we’re not just architects of innovation; we’re stewards of a brighter future, where technology serves humanity’s greatest needs and aspirations.

2. Embrace Diversity and Invest in People: My Blueprint for Future-Proof Leadership

Throughout my career, I’ve learned that the most sustainable form of innovation isn’t technology; it’s people. Always remember tech solutions become obsolete, but human capital does not. I’ve made it a priority to invest not just in cutting-edge technologies but in the brilliant minds that make them work. This isn’t philanthropy; it’s strategic foresight.

In a world of rapidly changing algorithms and platforms, it’s the diversity of thought and skills in your team that provides a sustainable edge. Investing in people is not a mere line item on a budget or your KPI dashboard; it’s a commitment to developing a more robust, adaptable, and future-ready organization. It’s about cultivating an ecosystem where the confluence of diverse minds becomes the breeding ground for next-level innovation and resilience. In my experience, this is not just an ethical duty but a compelling business case for sustainable success. This dynamic synergy of investing in people while valuing diversity is my proven formula for leading into the future. By fostering an inclusive culture, I’ve seen firsthand how diverse perspectives ignite groundbreaking solutions and push the envelope of what’s possible.

In an industry obsessed with the next big thing, I wager that our ‘next’ lies in unlocking the untapped potential within our teams. This isn’t just my belief; it’s my action plan for future-proofing our endeavors. If we’re looking to redefine what leadership is in the future, it starts with an unequivocal commitment to people and diversity.

This isn’t just about today’s bottom line; it’s about setting up an enduring, competitive edge that will differentiate us in a rapidly evolving landscape. In essence, the teams we nurture today define the industry we lead tomorrow.

3. Cultivate a Growth Culture with Intelligent experimentation

Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Mistakes are stepping stones to progress. Leading by example is crucial; bring others along, building on their ideas. Waiting for change is not an option. It’s a journey of adaptability, resilience, and relentless improvement. In the future, organizations won’t survive, let alone thrive, without a dynamic growth culture. This culture isn’t just about adapting to change; it’s about leading change. We’re entering an era where learning, resilience, and agility are non-negotiable. It’s not enough to keep up; we must consistently leap forward. The leaders of tomorrow will inspire and empower their teams to embrace uncertainty and transform challenges into catalysts for growth.

Remember, intelligent experimentation is about taking steps with intention, learning from both successes and failures, and using those insights to drive the organization forward. It’s a mindset that has helped us stay innovative and agile, adapting to the ever-evolving landscape of our industry. But there is a catch — every experiment had to tie back to our organization’s overarching mission and vision.

4. Master the Industry Landscape

As a leader, mastering the industry landscape has been my compass. It’s not merely about keeping pace; it’s about forging ahead. Understanding industry trends, foreseeing disruptions, and embracing emerging technologies have been my arsenal. These insights empower me to make decisions that not only benefit my organization but also propel us as industry trailblazers. In this ever-evolving landscape, knowledge isn’t just power; it’s the driving force that shapes the very future of our industry.

The future belongs to leaders who don’t merely react to industry shifts but actively shape them. Be the “Knowledge Architect”, harness the collective intelligence of teams and networks to navigate uncharted territories. The industry isn’t just a landscape to observe; it’s a canvas on which you should paint the future.

5. Know Your Audience, Know the World

Success begins with a deep understanding of your audience and a keen awareness of the broader market. It’s not enough to know your clients; you must truly understand their unique needs, preferences, and pain points. Rather I would say “you must anticipate their needs before they do”. Tailoring your strategies to meet these specific demands is the key to building strong, lasting relationships. But it doesn’t stop there. To thrive in today’s interconnected world, you must also be aware of global dynamics that can impact your business. Trends, disruptions, and emerging technologies are constantly reshaping industries. Staying informed and adaptable in the face of these changes is what sets visionary leaders apart.

Knowing your audience and knowing the world go hand in hand. It’s this holistic understanding that empowers you to make informed decisions, drive innovation, and lead your organization to new heights. Future leaders must be globally aware, agile, and adaptable.

6. Deliver Value Holistically

I’ve learned that success isn’t just about the bottom line. It’s about delivering value in a way that transcends financial impact. Holistic business value means considering the satisfaction of our customers, ensuring the long-term sustainability of our solutions, and aligning everything we do with the larger mission and goals of our organization. It’s about understanding that value extends far beyond the numbers on a balance sheet, and it’s a principle that has guided me throughout my career.

7. Lead with Vision, leave a legacy

I’ve learned that leadership isn’t just about managing; it’s about setting trends and inspiring others with a clear vision for the future. True leaders shape the narrative, see opportunities where others see challenges, and ignite passion in their teams. Leadership with vision means not only having a vision but also making it a reality, fostering innovation, and being a change agent in your industry.

Leadership is temporary; legacy is eternal. Strive not just for success but for significance. Create something — be it a culture, a product, or a change — that will continue to influence long after you’ve moved on. Every action, every solution, must contribute positively to the world we inherit and pass on.

8. Prioritize Lifelong Learning as an Imperative

In the ever-changing landscape of technology, your ability to adapt hinges on your commitment to lifelong learning. Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO, once encapsulated this sentiment perfectly: “Don’t be a ‘know-it-all’; be a ‘learn-it-all’.”

However, this principle transcends merely staying abreast of the latest industry trends or mastering new skills. It is about nurturing an ingrained culture of intellectual curiosity — both for yourself and your team. The quest for knowledge should be ceaseless, and it is this relentless curiosity that will drive innovation, solve complex problems, and keep you agile.

In such a dynamic field, complacency is the precursor to obsolescence. Therefore, a proactive and continuous approach to learning not only elevates your personal growth but also sets a precedent for your team. It lays the foundation for a culture where ongoing development and adaptability are not just welcomed but celebrated.

9. Continuously evolve your network. Be an Ecosystem Architect

I’ve learned that success isn’t just about what you know; to some extent it’s also about who you know and how well you know them. Building a powerful network ecosystem has been a game-changer for me. It’s not just about collecting business cards or LinkedIn connections; it’s about becoming an “Ecosystem Architect”. Building a powerful network ecosystem involves more than just numbers; it’s about creating meaningful connections. It’s about forging strategic partnerships with like-minded organizations, fostering genuine client relationships, and collaborating with industry influencers who share your vision.

Over the years, I’ve seen the transformative power of a well-cultivated network. It’s a dynamic web of relationships that can drive growth and innovation. It’s a source of insights, support, and opportunities that can propel your career and your organization to new heights.

My advice : Don’t just build a network; weave the fabric of your social and industry network continuously. Nurture it, expand it, and let it be a source of inspiration and collaboration on your journey of professional growth.

10. Navigate Change with Grace

Change is the only constant. Embracing strategic agility has been crucial in my journey. It’s about more than just adapting; it’s about doing so gracefully. In this dynamic industry, staying nimble and responsive to evolving challenges and opportunities is non-negotiable. It’s about having the flexibility to pivot, when necessary, while always keeping a keen eye on our long-term objectives. Through the years, I’ve seen how those who can navigate change with grace not only survive but thrive. They embrace uncertainty, turn it into an advantage, and keep their organizations ahead of the curve. It’s a mindset and skill set I continue to hone, knowing that in our ever-evolving landscape, it’s a true strategic asset.

The ability to pivot, to respond to uncertainty with precision, is the one of the best competitive advantage that you nurture.

11. Prioritize Giving Back

True leadership in technology reaches beyond code, projects, sales target and budgets; it extends into society.

Leadership extends beyond corporate walls. By building a technical community, you not only foster industry growth but create a space for shared knowledge, wisdom and innovation. Mentoring 400+ aspiring architects, both within and outside Avanade, has been the most enriching experience for me.

The real fulfillment, however, comes from using your expertise for social good. Engage with NGOs and advocate for technology that solves societal problems — these aren’t side quests, they’re integral to responsible leadership.

These efforts are not sideline activities; they are core components of responsible leadership that enhance your professional legacy. Use your volunteer hours not as a checkbox activity, but as a platform for genuine human impact.

Your career success should not be measured just by your corporate achievements but also by your commitment to enriching the broader social fabric. This 360-degree view of leadership not only elevates your professional standing but also contributes meaningfully to society.

12. Craft Solutions Portfolio with Precision

I’ve learned that success isn’t about relying on a single solution or product. It’s about understanding that each client is on a unique journey.

To truly excel, you must tailor your solutions to meet Clients where they are. It’s not just about offering choices; it’s about crafting solutions that seamlessly integrate into clients’ unique journeys.

In my experience, relying on a single solution or a one-size-fits-all approach can limit our ability to truly serve our clients. Instead, curate a portfolio that aligns with your clients’ paths. Be their trusted partner, guiding them to success step by step. Precision in your solutions ensures that you’re not just good; you’re exceptional. Provide tailored solutions that address their challenges and help them achieve their objectives. This principle has been a guiding light in my career, and it’s the key to sustained success — understanding the client’s journey, delivering business value, and meeting them where they are.

13. Collaborate Beyond Boundaries

I’ve learned that true innovation often happens at the intersection of different perspectives and expertise. ‘Collaborate Beyond Boundaries’ has been a guiding principle throughout my career. It’s about fostering an environment where departments, disciplines, and even external organizations work seamlessly together. Breaking down silos and embracing cross-functional collaboration has consistently yielded remarkable results. By harnessing collective intelligence, we’ve been able to tackle complex challenges, drive innovation, and achieve better outcomes.

Remember, the solutions to today’s most pressing problems often lie at the intersections of diverse ideas and talents. Embrace boundaryless teamwork, and you’ll unlock the full potential of your organization.

14. Celebrate Success, Embrace Failure

I’ve learned this: leaders must actively celebrate success and embrace failure. When you succeed, celebrate it. Recognize effort, fuel motivation. When success graces our endeavors, it’s not enough to quietly savor it. Throw a celebration! Recognize the dedication, applaud the effort, and let your team bask in the achievement. It fuels motivation and builds a culture of achievement.

But it’s equally crucial to face failure head-on.

When you fail, don’t hide it. Learn from it. Failure is a demanding teacher. Analyze the missteps, dissect what went wrong, and glean valuable insights. Failure is a demanding mentor, but its lessons are unparalleled.

By embodying this principle, you can set the tone for your teams and nurture a resilient culture where learning from every experience is a way of life.

15. Be Curious, Humble and lead with Emotional Intelligence

As I reflect on my journey, I’ve unlocked a profound truth: Curiosity is the catalyst for true innovation. It’s not merely the desire to know; it’s the relentless pursuit of what’s possible. To realize the true potential, develop a workplace where questions are celebrated, knowledge is sought daily, and uncharted territories are explored without fear. It’s in this culture that breakthroughs happen.

As leaders, our mission is clear: encourage your team to question, challenge norms, and fearlessly venture into the unknown. Curiosity isn’t just a trait; it’s a superpower that fuels creativity, innovation, and progress.

No matter how far you climb the corporate ladder, never lose your humility and your sense of curiosity. These traits will keep you grounded and open to new opportunities for learning and growth.

Soft skills like emotional intelligence often take a back seat in the high-paced world of tech. However, I’ve found that they are invaluable for understanding team dynamics, negotiating deals, and leading with empathy.

Leadership is as much about understanding people as it is about understanding numbers and technology.

So, as you embark on your leadership journey, remember this: fostering a curiosity culture isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity. Embrace the unconventional, champion the inquisitive, and never stop asking, “What if?

16. System Integration business is a technology and people’s business

System integration isn’t just about people; it’s about the synergy of technology and people working in tandem. System Integration, at its core, is both a technology and people’s business. It’s the art of seamlessly connecting various technologies to create a harmonious and efficient whole. But it’s not just wires, codes, and software; it’s about the individuals who design, implement, and maintain these integrated systems. It’s an audacious orchestration of digital ecosystems, driven not just by wires and algorithms, but by the collective intelligence and creativity of individuals.

In my experience, successful system integration business requires technology thought leadership, project / program management, knowledge management and people management expertise; it demands effective collaboration, communication, and teamwork. It’s about bringing people together to align their efforts with technological solutions to solve complex challenges in a timely, repeatable and profitable ways.

In the future landscape of business, the System Integration industry is poised for a profound transformation. It’s not merely about connecting technologies; it’s about pioneering a bold evolution in the way we conduct business.

The System Integration business of tomorrow will boldly venture beyond conventional boundaries, where technological innovation converges with the limitless potential of human, Machine and Generative AI collaboration.

17. Outshine the Competition

During my seven-year journey at Avanade, one key lesson that has stood out is the necessity to understand your competition deeply. It’s more than just knowing their names; it’s about gaining profound insights into their strategies and strengths. In today’s dynamic landscape, surface-level awareness won’t suffice. To position your organization strategically, you must delve into your competitors’ approaches, their strengths, and their weaknesses. This knowledge becomes the cornerstone for making informed decisions, identifying opportunities, and staying ahead in the game.

Remember, true competition goes beyond mere rivalry; it’s about continuous improvement and striving for excellence. By understanding your competition on a deeper level, you not only anticipate their moves but also pave the way for your organization to shine brightly in the marketplace.

18. Create your Brand, Influence Others:

One of the most profound lessons I’ve learned is the power of personal branding. Building your personal brand is not just about creating a name for yourself; it’s about becoming a trusted authority in your industry.

During my time at Avanade, I realized that establishing a strong personal brand opens doors and opportunities that might otherwise remain closed. It’s about consistently delivering value, sharing your expertise, and fostering trust among your peers, colleagues, and clients.

Personal branding isn’t just self-promotion; it’s about using your influence to drive positive change and inspire others. It’s about leading by example and setting a standard of excellence that motivates those around you.

As I embark on a new journey, I carry with me the understanding that personal branding is not just a career strategy; it’s a way to make a lasting impact on your field and leave a legacy of positive change.

19. Seek Balance in Life and Learn to Let Go:

Taking on a leadership role is much like spinning multiple pins — you’re always focused, always on. Leadership roles often demand a lot, and it’s easy to get lost in the hustle.

Work Life Balance is not just about managing time; it’s about aligning your energies. Yes, work hard, meet those deadlines, and push for results, but also know when to hit the pause button. Recharge, whether it’s through a hobby, physical activity (.!!. Something that I need to focus more and find more time and less excuses), or quality time with loved ones. Your ability to lead effectively is directly proportional to your ability to live a well-rounded life.

But balance isn’t solely a personal endeavor; it extends to your team as well. As leaders, we often think we need to be in the driver’s seat all the time, but there’s power in stepping back.

Empower your team by giving them the autonomy to make decisions and take ownership of projects / initiatives. Letting go is not a sign of weakness; it’s a strategic move for collective growth. It allows your team to develop new skills and gives you the space to focus on vision, strategy, and the bigger picture.

When you balance empowerment with control, you not only bolster the capabilities of your team but also facilitate your own growth as a more thoughtful, resilient leader. Embrace this equilibrium, and you’ll find that balance, both in personal life and leadership, isn’t just a goal — it’s a critical component of long-lasting success.

20 Lead at All Levels — Managing both upwards and downwards:

In my journey, I’ve learned that leadership isn’t confined to a title or level in the hierarchy. It’s about inspiring and motivating others, no matter where you are.

But here’s a crucial aspect: managing upwards. Ensure that your superiors know your impact and your team’s contributions to the business. Share your successes and demonstrate how they align with the organization’s goals. Establish, forge and nurture your direct Skip-level relationship, peer group of your manager and skip level :- when you connect with leaders beyond your direct supervisor, can provide valuable insights and support. It’s a chance to influence decisions and gain a broader perspective on the organization. Direct and Effective communication with your skip level is key (I truly mean it! Don’t hide behind, open the channel if you need to).

At the same time, protect and support your team. Advocate for their needs and bridge the gap between them and upper management. Be the voice that ensures they have the resources and support to excel. Managing upwards will involve not just showcasing your team’s contributions but actively influencing decisions at all levels.

Equally important is managing relationships with your peers and cross-functional leaders. Collaboration and teamwork extend laterally across departments. Building strong partnerships here can enhance efficiency, drive innovation, and achieve common goals.

I would suggest, plan for a PACE Test every 6 months.

The PACE Test:

  • Position: Does your skip-level manager fully grasp your role, acknowledge your strengths, contributions and your impact?
  • Acknowledgment: Does your HR Business Partner unmistakably know your role and acknowledges your strengths and impact?
  • Celebrity: Among cross-functional leaders, are you the celebrity they’d pick first for challenging initiatives?
  • Everyone: Does everyone in your organization unequivocally recognize your exceptional value and expertise?

Leadership means balancing these roles — managing expectations, protecting your team, nurturing skip-level relationships, and collaborating effectively. It’s this holistic approach that leads to collective success and growth. Embrace it on your own journey to shape your team and organization for the better.

21. Art of Sales, Revenue, and Pipeline Mastery:

It’s not merely about selling; it’s about orchestrating a well-oiled machine for generating and managing sales opportunities with precision and predictability.

Consistency is the foundation. It’s about an unwavering commitment to deliver value to clients in every interaction, not just once, but every time we engage.

Solution selling is important but it’s all about driving relentless revenue growth. Effective sales and pipeline management are the lifeblood of any organization. It’s not a game of chance but a strategic art, where every opportunity is nurtured, every deal is closed, and the flow of new possibilities is relentless.

In this fast-paced, ever-shifting business world, mastering this art is not optional; it’s a strategic imperative. It’s about delivering results that leave an indelible mark and fuel the relentless growth of your organization.

Whether you’re in the trenches of sales or steering the ship as a leader or delivering the largest project; Sales, Revenue, and Pipeline Mastery is the North Star guiding you to success, no matter where your journey takes you.

22. A Line in the Sand: Ethical Leadership as Non-Negotiable:

In my journey through the corridors of tech and business, I’ve been steadfast in one conviction: ethics are non-negotiable. I’ve actively championed transparency, set high standards for data integrity, and made ethical considerations non-negotiable in decision-making. It’s not just about adhering to laws, corporate policies; it’s about setting the bar higher.

Ethical integrity isn’t merely aspirational — it’s operational. It’s about walking the talk in every conversation and transaction, setting the gold standard for the industry. For me, it’s a red line that defines not only leadership but the core of the organization.

In a landscape littered with ethical lapses, standing firm on these principles is more than an obligation — it’s an audacious act. This commitment to ethical conduct and open communication isn’t just about avoiding pitfalls; it’s about paving a pathway of trust that turns our moral fiber into our most compelling value proposition. In a world that often rewards shortcuts, we boldly choose the high road, making it our ultimate competitive edge. This unwavering commitment shapes every facet of our business and technological ventures, making us not just leaders in the industry but examples of what it should strive to be.

23. Be a Data Driven Change Catalyst:

As a leader, being a change catalyst is paramount. In my executive role, I’ve learned that effecting meaningful change is as much about the numbers as it is about vision. A leadership position comes with the inherent responsibility to not just initiate change, but to do so based on solid, data-driven foundations.

Metrics and analytics serve as the compass by which we navigate the complex landscape of modern business. Whether it’s cybersecurity solution portfolio, X on Azure Solution Engineering or Cloud & Apps business, I have consistently relied on quantitative data to guide my decisions and set new courses of action. This isn’t just about using numbers to justify preconceived notions; it’s about allowing the data to illuminate the path forward, revealing inefficiencies, opportunities, and new avenues for innovation that may not have been visible otherwise.

The importance of being data-driven extends beyond the leader to permeate the entire organization. A culture built on data is one that values accountability, transparency, and continuous improvement. It’s not merely about showing that a strategy works, but demonstrating how and why it works, thereby fostering a deeper understanding and engagement among team members.

By anchoring change initiatives in data, we do more than just ‘lead’ — we inspire informed action. The goal is not just to be a catalyst for change but to be a data-driven one, providing a roadmap that is as reliable as it is revolutionary. In this way, we build legacies that are not just inspirational but also instructional, offering a model of leadership that marries vision with verifiable impact.

24. Mindful Communication:

In my seven-year journey at Avanade, I learned that effective leadership hinges on Mindful Communication and Communication Excellence. It’s not just about talking; it’s about connecting. Clear and purposeful communication, combined with strong conflict resolution and negotiation skills, was the thread that wove together our successes and propelled us through challenges.

Every word you utter as a leader carries weight. Be mindful of how you communicate, whether it’s giving feedback, instructing your team, or talking to clients. I found that conveying ideas, goals, and strategies with clarity not only fosters understanding but also inspires action. It’s about ensuring that every team member, from top to bottom, understands their role in the bigger picture.

Moreover, being equipped with conflict resolution and negotiation skills is essential for leaders. Conflicts are inevitable, but how we address them defines our leadership. Effective communication plays a pivotal role in resolving disputes and finding mutually beneficial solutions. Furthermore, Communication Excellence isn’t confined to the boardroom; it extends to every interaction with stakeholders. Whether it’s clients, partners, or colleagues, the ability to articulate a compelling vision, negotiate effectively, and resolve conflicts with diplomacy is a cornerstone of leadership.

My journey has taught me that words, when chosen wisely and delivered thoughtfully, have the power to drive transformation, bring people together, and resolve conflicts constructively. So, I encourage you to master the art of communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution because it’s not just about speaking; it’s about leading. Communication will be the currency of leadership in the bold and interconnected future. So go ahead @!!! Communicate ! Communicate !! Communicate !!!

As I stand here at the culmination of seven years of enriching success and learning, I can’t help but be awed by the incredible journey. These years have been a testament to collective executive maturity — marked by the transformation of challenges into triumphs and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Journey, as detailed in the 24 lessons that preceded this, is a testimony to the power of innovation, adaptability, and a shared commitment to pushing boundaries. It’s a celebration of what happens when passionate individuals unite with a common purpose — remarkable progress that has defined our executive journey.

As this chapter gracefully draws to a close, it’s not just an ending; it’s a vibrant celebration of the countless hours of hard work, the collaborative spirit that ignited endeavors, and the unwavering drive to embrace change. It’s a celebration of capacity to evolve, learn, and emerge stronger with every challenge.

To the incredible Avanade team, mentors, and partners who have been my companions on this transformative journey, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Your unwavering support and dedication have been the foundation of our shared success, and for that, I am profoundly grateful. While this chapter concludes, it’s important to emphasize that it’s not the end, but rather a bold new beginning. Armed with the enduring lessons and principles that have emerged from our collective experiences, I am eager to embrace new horizons with a sense of purpose and excitement.

I am thrilled to share that I will be leaving Avanade to embark on an exciting journey with a new company. This transition is filled with anticipation and the promise of fresh opportunities to apply the wisdom we’ve gained together. The future beckons with thrilling opportunities, and I am poised to embark on my next steps in this journey with enthusiasm and optimism. I am sure paths will cross in the marketplace, sometimes as competitors, and other times as architects of the future of System Integration and consulting business. But at the core of it all, commitment to clients’ success will remain unwavering.

In closing, I want to express my deepest appreciation for being an integral part of this remarkable journey. Here’s to the next chapter, where shared learnings will continue to define the executive maturity and lead to new heights of success.



Gaurav Agarwaal

Technology Thought Leader. Mentor. Ex-Microsoft. Cybersecurity and Cloud Transformation Visionary, Senior Vice President, Onix